A K A Day is an inclusive charity challenge designed to encourage and support your health and well-being throughout the month of May and beyond. We want to inspire people of all ages and abilities to get out and move for at least 1km each day in May.
Walk, run, skate, cycle… in any combination you like – as long as you do the distance, you’ve met the challenge!
There’s a choice of distances to suit any age and level of fitness ranging from a half km challenge right up to 5km for those looking to clock up some serious miles over the course of the month, all in a bid to run heart screenings for those aged 14 – 35 in conjunction with the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young – a service currently unavailable on the NHS.
There is a fee of £15 to take part in the challenge and support Cardiac Risk in the Young. There is no sponsorship requirement and a discounted price of £10 available for any Worker, Drone or Queen Bee junior challengers aged 5-12 plus our Bumble Bee challenge for those under 5 for £5.
Robert's Wife
A permanent fixture both home and away, Suzanne is part of Brentford Community and rocks red and white stripes! Undoubtedly the driving force behind A K A Day, Suzanne’s tireless commitment to fundraising in Robert’s name will ensure other families are spared the pain of losing a young person too soon.
Robert’s Friend
(and contender in the crown for banter!)
Our marketing expert, Lisa is the Inventor in the Hive and produced the original idea for A K A Day. She squeezes more hours into a day than Jessica Rabbit getting into a frock, makes ingenious use of objects she comes across in her exotic trips, all whilst (sword) dancing and availing us of her witty repartee!
Robert's Friend
Our in-house PR guru and purveyor of our Bee-Hive values. Top-flight communications is her bread and butter but she much prefers a crisp buffet.
Robert's Sister-in-law
Not much gets past our eagle-eyed, organisational wizard Lauren. She may be a lawyer by day but when it comes to a party, she won’t put up much of a defence.
Robert's Auntie
The first lady of The Hive, Jacqueline is our glamorous number cruncher who always makes sure our books are balanced and our glasses are full!
Robert's Brother
Freelance Graphic Designer and Brentford FC enthusiast, Gary is part of the original team for A K A Day. One of the few who Robert allowed into his professional world, visiting Jersey Road, and designing some impressive artwork for Brentford Lifeline Society back in 2018. An ongoing support to the A K A Day brand in memory of his best friend.
Gary's Partner
Another member of the original squad and a true Queen Bee for all things fun and fitness related. Rebecca clocks up the miles- usually by bike- on a regular basis and has been an inspiration to the Hive Community throughout the challenge and beyond. Also partial to red and white stripes- much to the dismay of her Chelsea supporting family!
Website Designer and Friend of A K A Day (not just a web designer in Hounslow)
Our IT wizard and man of mystery, think Bond… Brentford Bond (they are looking for the next one!) He likes to tease us with his confessions but in reality, it’s his disappearing tricks that cause the most excitement – along with supporting Brentford FC of course!! Thankfully, he makes things re-appear too (maybe he really is a magician).